Articles and FAQ
What Constitutes “Cultural Heritage” in Italian Criminal Law?
Italian criminal law does not provide a clear-cut definition of cultural heritage. While Italian law has introduced new regulations to protect cultural assets, aligning with international standards, the exact definition of what constitutes "cultural heritage" remains...
Driving Under the Influence in Italy: What Happens in Practice?
Every case has its own unique circumstances and should be carefully evaluated with the assistance of a legal professional. However, some general guidelines can be provided. As we saw in a previous article, the administrative and criminal proceedings arise from the...
Driving Under the Influence: Italian Regulations and Penalties
Articles 186 and 187 of the Italian Road Traffic Code (Codice della strada) establish a complex system of penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol. Three distinct thresholds are defined, each carrying increasing penalties. Specifically, if the blood...
Facing a DUI Charge in Italy? Your Legal Options
If you have been charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Italy, it is crucial to understand the legal process and your potential defense options. The Public Prosecutor's Office may issue a summary judgment, resulting in a criminal fine imposed by the...